by - September 04, 2018

My darlings how is today going?..Anyway i will be talking about how i made this ball bead design i will be sharing the procedures and the steps on how i achieved it
Materials used:
point 0.35 fishing line
coral bead
you can use any bead or size you have to make it

Step 1:cut point 0.35 fishing line

Step 2:pass through four(4) beads

Step 3:put one coral bead on any side of the fishing line i put mine on the right side and interlock with the other fishing line(meaning use your fishing line to pass through the bead on the right fishing line)

Step 4 and 5:pass through 3 beads on the right fishing line and put one bead on the same right fishing line then interlock

Step 6,7,8 and 9:use your left fishing line to pass through the next bead then put two(2) beads on the right fishing line and use another one bead to interlock

Step 10:repeat step 6-9 two(2) times

Step 14:use your left fishing line to pass through the next two(2) beads

Step 15 and 16:put one bead on the right and take another one bead to interlock

Step 17:This is half ball then you continue from here

Step 18:use your left fishing line to pass through the next bead then put 2 beads on the right and take another one bead to interlock

The pictures in number 21-23 is the same as 18-19

Step 24:use your left fishing line to pass through two(2) beads,then put one bead on the right and take another one bead to interlock

Step 27:repeat step 24-26

Step 30:so this is where i am now

Step 31:use your left fishing line to pass through the next three(3) beads and take another one bead to interlock

Step 33:use any of the fishing line to pass through the remaining four(4) beads,tie and cut off the excess fishing line

I hope you all enjoyed this bead tutorial

Please do not forget to subscribe to my youtube channel Rozyworld Tv


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